MA thesis – An oil painting as a musical Composition Gareth McCorry: “I Know it’s Over” oil on linen – unfinished (2021) Abstract An oil painting as a musical composition: A collaboration between musician, artist, and programmed generative software algorithms using Max/MSP/Jitter. Continue Reading →
Podcast Update: Episode # 7 Grippa (Robin Laybourne) This Tuesday (Dec 7th 2021), I took a drive through the Blackwall tunnel to the other side of London to interview my friend Grippa in his Greenwich recording Studio. Continue Reading →
Podcast Update: Episode # 6 Gerry Griffin I recorded a new episode for the ouchmonkeys podcast on Friday 26 Nov, 2021, with my good friend Gerry Griffin. Continue Reading →
Creating the Ouchmonkeys podcast. This Podcast was created as part of a Community Music Project towards my MA in music. Continue Reading →